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펄프픽션 - 춤보다는 마사지?

by 202020 2010. 1. 5.

Samuel Leroy Jackson : But touching his wife's feet and sticking your tongue in the holiest of holies 
                                   ain't the same fucking ballpark. it ain't the same league. it ain't the same fucking sport.
                                   Foot massages don't mean shit.

John Joseph Travolta : Have you ever given a foot massage?

Samuel Leroy Jackson : Don't be telling me about foot massages.
                                    I'm the foot fucking master.

유명한 춤보다는 마사지가 더 우낀다.
둘이 말다툼하는 모습이 제다이들이 광선검을 들고 싸우는 모습 같고... 유치원생 제다이들..ㅋ

